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 Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links

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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyMer 15 Avr - 19:57

Taylor Swift links

We were both young, when I first saw you.
I close my eyes and the flashback starts-
I'm standing there, on a balcony in summer air.

I see the lights; see the party, the ball gowns.
I see you make your way through the crowd-
You say hello, little did I know...

That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles-
And my daddy said "stay away from Juliet"-
And I was crying on the staircase-
begging you please don't go...
And I said...

Romeo take me somewhere, we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess,
It's a love story, baby, just say yes.
Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Taylor22

Best Friends
Amis proches
Amis d'enfance
Ex BoyFriends

A ajouter:
Joe Jonas, Ashley Tisdale, Kellan Lutz, Miley Cyrus

Dernière édition par Taylor Swift le Ven 1 Mai - 18:53, édité 4 fois
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyMer 15 Avr - 19:58

Han !!!

Moi !!! (a)
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyMer 15 Avr - 19:59

Kevin <33
Avec plaisir, tu veux quoi ? =)
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyMer 15 Avr - 20:02

He bien je proposes pas Ex ^^

Mais on pourrais dire amis proches ou d' enfances ? Ou alors contrairement à l' opposé, tu deteste les Jonas depuis que Joe à romptu & en particulier Kevin ?

Tu vois si tu preferes positif ou négatif mais c' est Taylor Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links 534250 & je sais pas si je pourrais la detester Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links 713157 Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links 713157
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyMer 15 Avr - 20:04

Hann nah moi j'peux pas détester les Jonas parce-que les Jonas c'est les Jonas quoi... :)

Donc je te propose amis proches ?
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyMer 15 Avr - 20:07

Yeah =DD

&& je t' ajoutes ce soir =)
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyMer 15 Avr - 20:10

Parfait moi aussi :)
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyMer 15 Avr - 20:15


Je viens de voir que je t' avais sauté dessus direct =S

Cela te genes pas si tu voulais mettre un double post ? Sinon, demande aux Admins de supprimer mon post Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links 1071211947

Désolé ><'
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyMer 15 Avr - 20:18

Non non pas du tout, j'avais pas prévu de faire un deuxième post donc ça ne me gêne pas =)
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyMer 15 Avr - 20:27

Je peux ?
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyMer 15 Avr - 21:06

Ouiii tu veux quoi ? Positif ou négatif ?
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyMer 15 Avr - 21:08

Positif t'ei folle XD c'est evident
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyMer 15 Avr - 21:47

Okay mdr mais je pose toujours la question on ne sait jamais ^^
Que préfères-tu ? Amie, amie proche, amie d'enfance ou autre
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyMer 15 Avr - 21:50

Moi ??! :roll:
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyMer 15 Avr - 22:40

Un lien complexe Ami proche
Une personne de confiance mais Ashelyaurai eu du mal a te faire confiance puis finalement elle y arrive et decouvre une vrai personnalité qu'est la tienne
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyMer 15 Avr - 22:55

Je suis trop fan de Taylor alors si tu veux un lien =D
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyJeu 16 Avr - 4:17

    ahhhh taylor Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links 87648
    je veux un liennnn !!
    du genre ami proche ?? Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links 21065
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyJeu 16 Avr - 12:51

Kellan >> Ahh oui oui oui avec plaisir Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links 919488 :roll:
Ashley >> C'est d'accord pour amies proches
Austin >> Oth poweeer ! Bref... Tu veux quoi comme lien ?
Nick >> Hannn j'accepte sans hésiter, tu veux quoi ?
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyJeu 16 Avr - 13:46

Cool (aaa) Tu as une idée ?? :roll:
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyJeu 16 Avr - 14:14

Hum... Etant donné que j'aime vraiment beaucoup Kellan (<333) je te propose amis proches puis avec le temps (et un topic of course) un peu plus proche... :D
'Fin après c'est comme tu veux hein ^^ par contre pour le scénario j'ai pas trop d'idées qui me viennent donc si tu en as n'hésites pas =)
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyJeu 16 Avr - 20:34

Mmm... Pour le lieu de rencontre déjà, pourquoi pas l'avant-première de Twilight ?? :roll:
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyJeu 16 Avr - 20:57

C'est noté :)
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyJeu 16 Avr - 20:57

Donc, t'as une idée pour comment on aurait continué à se voir, ou je le fais ?? :roll:
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyJeu 16 Avr - 21:00

Et bien on aurait échangé nos numéros de téléphones et puis on s'appelerait régulièrement pour se donner des nouvelles et on s'organiserait des sorties... Si ta une meilleure idée je prends ^^
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Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links EmptyJeu 16 Avr - 21:00

Non ça me va, je t'ajoute heart
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MessageSujet: Re: Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Ooh Taylor say me who is most beautiful >> Links Empty

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